Prayer Ministers

Prayer Ministry
Do you feel a desire to help others experience healing and freedom in Christ? Perhaps you have a call to become a prayer minister!
Living Fully Schools of Prayer Ministry offer a unique opportunity to delve into the heart of this ministry. You’ll explore the powerful “Circle of God’s Love” prayer pattern. This comprehensive approach incorporates key elements for transformation, including:
Forgiveness: Releasing past hurts and resentments to pave the way for healing.
Cutting Bondages: Identifying and breaking free from spiritual hindrances that limit your growth.
Deliverance: Finding freedom from external spiritual influences.
Healing: Experiencing wholeness of mind, will and emotions
Ready to answer the call? Living Fully Schools of Prayer Ministry equip you to be a vessel of God’s love and bring powerful healing to others.
Is Prayer Ministry Right for You?
Christ-Centered Focus: A deep and abiding love for Jesus Christ guides your actions and motivations.
Discernment & Sensitivity: You possess the ability to recognize the Holy Spirit’s leading and act accordingly.
Dedicated Prayer Minister: You are committed to ongoing personal prayer ministry and actively seek opportunities to grow in this area.
Lifelong Learner: You embrace continuous learning and are eager to expand your knowledge and skills.
Share the Vision: You share VMTC’s vision, aligning with the principles outlined in Luke 4:18-19 (bringing good news to the poor, proclaiming release to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and setting free the oppressed).
Servant Attitude: You approach ministry with humility and a genuine desire to serve others.
Strong Interpersonal Skills: You possess good communication and interpersonal skills, fostering positive connections with those you minister to.
Submission to Leadership: You value and respect leadership and are committed to working collaboratively within the ministry structure.
Development Takes Time: Becoming a Lead Prayer Minister typically requires attending several Living Fully Schools of Prayer Ministry. VMTC is committed to investing in your growth and equipping you for this vital ministry role.

Have Any Questions?
Learn prayer ministry skills that are scriptural, disciplined, Holy Spirit led and apply Jesus’ promises to hurting people. Person-to-person training is provided so that you can see others set free.